Cultural Heritage Search Engine Preservation and conservation database

Cultural Heritage Search Engine is an website promoted from technical office of architect Sergio Tinè.

This office, Sergio Tinè & Associates, offers a professional service in the field of conservation and restoration of monuments, historic buildings and historic towns.

Since its founding in 1980, Sergio Tinè & Associates has maintained an experienced staff of  conservators, scientists, architects, historians, planners, and artisans.

This Team is pleased to offer Clients full or partial services as follows:

Traditional and modern Building Techniques
Books and technical manuals
Documentary and Scientific Research

Historic Building Advice

Conservation Plans

Conservation Area Applications


Sergio Tinè & Associates has developed a reputation for its practical approach in the fields of historic preservation and materials conservation.


The architect Sergio Tinè is author of numerous publications; in the web :

La pratica del restauro (The practice of the restoration);
Analisi dei prezzi nel restauro e nel recupero edilizio (Analysis of the prices in the restoration and reuse of historic buildings);
Capitolato speciale d'appalto per i lavori di conservazione e restauro Contract type for the public works of conservation and restoration.

It is also author of the research:

"Codice di pratica professionale per il restauro delle fronti esterne degli edifici di Ortygia"

(Code of professional practice for the restoration of the façades of the historic town in Syracuse (Sicily): isle of Ortygia)

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