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Civil and Urban Engineering
Under Graduate Studies
Arba Minch Institute of Technology
Civil and Urban Engineering
Course categories:
Under Graduate Studies
Under Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Institute of Technology
Under Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Institute of Technology / Architecture & Urban Planning
Under Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Institute of Technology / Civil and Urban Engineering
Under Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Institute of Technology / Faculty of Computing and Software Engineering
Under Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Institute of Technology / Electrical and Computer Engineering
Under Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Institute of Technology / Mechanical Engineering
Under Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Water Technology Institute
Under Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Water Technology Institute / Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering
Under Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Water Technology Institute / Water Resource and Irrigation Engineering
Under Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Water Technology Institute / Water Supply and Environmental Engineering
Under Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Water Technology Institute / Meteorology and Hydrology
Under Graduate Studies / College of Agricultural Sciences
Under Graduate Studies / College of Agricultural Sciences / Animal Science
Under Graduate Studies / College of Agricultural Sciences / Forestry
Under Graduate Studies / College of Agricultural Sciences / Horticulture
Under Graduate Studies / College of Agricultural Sciences / Natural Resource Management
Under Graduate Studies / College of Agricultural Sciences / Plant Science
Under Graduate Studies / College of Agricultural Sciences / Rural Development and Agricultural Extension
Under Graduate Studies / College of Business and Economics
Under Graduate Studies / College of Business and Economics / Tourism and Hotel Management
Under Graduate Studies / College of Business and Economics / Management
Under Graduate Studies / College of Business and Economics / Economics
Under Graduate Studies / College of Business and Economics / Accounting and Finance
Under Graduate Studies / College of Natural Sciences
Under Graduate Studies / College of Natural Sciences / Biology Department
Under Graduate Studies / College of Natural Sciences / Chemistry Department
Under Graduate Studies / College of Natural Sciences / Department of Mathematics
Under Graduate Studies / College of Natural Sciences / Geology Department
Under Graduate Studies / College of Natural Sciences / Physics Department
Under Graduate Studies / College of Natural Sciences / Sport Science Department
Under Graduate Studies / College of Natural Sciences / Statistics Department
Under Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences and Humanities
Under Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences and Humanities / Ethiopian Languages and Literature - Gofigna
Under Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences and Humanities / Ethiopian Languages and Literature - Gaammotho
Under Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences and Humanities / Civics and Ethical Studies
Under Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences and Humanities / English Language and Literature
Under Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences and Humanities / Geography and Environmental Studies
Under Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences and Humanities / Ethiopian Languages and Literature-Amharic
Under Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences and Humanities / History and Heritage Management
Under Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences and Humanities / Sociology and Social Anthropology
Under Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences and Humanities / Psychology
Under Graduate Studies / School of Law
Under Graduate Studies / School of Pedagogical and Behavioral Sciences
Under Graduate Studies / Sawla Campus
School of Graduate Studies
School of Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Institute of Technology (PG & PhD)
School of Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Institute of Technology (PG & PhD) / Architecture & Urban Planning (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Institute of Technology (PG & PhD) / Civil Engineering (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Institute of Technology (PG & PhD) / Computer Science and IT (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Institute of Technology (PG & PhD) / Computing and IT (PhD)
School of Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Institute of Technology (PG & PhD) / Electrical & Computer Engineering (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Institute of Technology (PG & PhD) / Mechanical Engineering (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Water Technology Institute (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Water Technology Institute (PG) / Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Water Technology Institute (PG) / Water Resource and Irrigation Engineering (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Water Technology Institute (PG) / Water Supply and Environmental Engineering (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / Arba Minch Water Technology Institute (PG) / Meteorology and Hydrology (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Business and Economics (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Business and Economics (PG) / Economic Policy Analysis
School of Graduate Studies / College of Business and Economics (PG) / Management Department (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Business and Economics (PG) / Economics Department (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Business and Economics (PG) / Tourism and Hotel Management (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Business and Economics (PG) / Accounting and Finance (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences & Humanities (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences & Humanities (PG) / Department of English Language and Literature
School of Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences & Humanities (PG) / Civics and Ethical Studies (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences & Humanities (PG) / English Language and Literature (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences & Humanities (PG) / Geography and Environmental Studies (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences & Humanities (PG) / Ethiopian Languages and Literature-Amharic (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences & Humanities (PG) / History and Heritage Management (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences & Humanities (PG) / Sociology and Social Anthropology (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences & Humanities (PG) / Psychology (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences & Humanities (PG) / Ethiopian Languages and Literature-Gamogna (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences & Humanities (PG) / Ethiopian Languages and Literature-Gofigna (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences & Humanities (PG) / Adult Education and Community Development (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Social Sciences & Humanities (PG) / Special Needs and Inclusive Education (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Natural Sciences (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Natural Sciences (PG) / Geology Department (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Natural Sciences (PG) / Chemistry Department (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Natural Sciences (PG) / Mathematics Department (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Natural Sciences (PG) / Physics Department (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Natural Sciences (PG) / Biology Department (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Natural Sciences (PG) / Statistics Department (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / School of Pedagogical and Behavioral Sciences(PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Agriculture(PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Agriculture(PG) / Plant Science (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Agriculture(PG) / Animal Science (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Agriculture(PG) / Horticulture (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Agriculture(PG) / Natural Resource Management (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Agriculture(PG) / Rural Development and Agricultural Extension (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Agriculture(PG) / Agribusiness and Value Chain Management (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Agriculture(PG) / Forestry (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Agriculture(PG) / Animal Health (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Agriculture(PG) / Fisheries, Wetland and Wild Life Management (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Agriculture(PG) / Food Science and Post- Harvest Technology (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / School of Law(PG)
School of Graduate Studies / Sawla Campus(PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Medicine and Health Sciences (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Medicine and Health Sciences (PG) / School of Public Health
School of Graduate Studies / College of Medicine and Health Sciences (PG) / School of Public Health / Department of Public Health
School of Graduate Studies / College of Medicine and Health Sciences (PG) / Midwifery (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Medicine and Health Sciences (PG) / Public Health (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Medicine and Health Sciences (PG) / Pharmacy (PG)
School of Graduate Studies / College of Medicine and Health Sciences (PG) / Medical Laboratory Technology (PG)
Short Term Trainings
Short Term Trainings / Information Communication Technology Directorate
Short Term Trainings / Training
Search courses
Water Supply and Traetment
Civil Engineering Model Exit Exam 2024/25
Geotechnical Design II
Fundamentals of Surveying
Soil Mechanics
Soil Mechanics 1
soil dynamics
Fundamentals of Architecture
Railway Engineering
Reinforced concrete structures l
Structural Design