The course is designed to familiarize learners on regional cooperation and Integrations in Africa.
Before looking at Africa, first it attempts to conceptualize theories and concepts related to
regional cooperation and integration. It examined experiences from continents of Asia, Europe
America and from the Arab world. It also further examined the attempt of African countries to
for regional cooperation and integration. The course attempts to introduce the fundamental notions and as well as instances of regional integration and cooperation within the remit of four chapters. The first chapter enunciates a plethora of issues pertaining to the subject matter of regional cooperation and integration, including conceptual clarification on certain terminologies, theoretical and practical reasons for regional integration, types of as well as criteria for evaluating regional integration and cooperation. The second chapter discusses major approaches of regional integration and issues in regional integration like regional security and the distinction between micro and macro regions. Chapter three dwells on some cases of regional integration schemes in different corners of the world, from which some salient advantages and disadvantages of regional integration and cooperation are gleaned. In the fourth chapter, the history of regional integration in Africa is discussed. Moreover, it puts forth justifications for promoting regional integration in Africa as well as uncovers challenges that hinder this endeavor.