The course introduces about the history and importance of genetics in the area of animals. A major topic to be covered in this course includes: Cell division; Mendelian Genetics; population genetics; gene action and interaction; chromosomes; inheritance of qualitative and quantitative traits; sex determination;, sex influenced and sex limited traits; linkage, crossing over and chromosome mapping; gene mutation;; chromosomal aberrations ; extra chromosomal inheritance; genetic principle of development; evolution and behavior; gene regulation at molecular level-gene structure, replication, protein synthesis and mutation

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

      Explain the genetic principles governing cell division; Mendelian genetics; population genetics; gene action and interaction

      Understand the difference between sex linked, sex influenced and sex limited traits; linkage, crossing over and chromosome mapping; gene mutation, chromosomal aberrations; extra chromosomal inheritance;

Describe the genetic principles govern gene structure, regulation, replication, protein synthesis and mutation; microbial genetics; recombination in bacteria and viruses; genetic engineering