Enrolment options

School of Law, AMU

African Human Rights Law

LLB IV Year, II semister

Course Outline


Chapter I: Introduction

1.1       Historical Development of Human Rights

1.2       The United Nations Human Rights System

1.3       Introduction to Regional Human Rights Systems with Particular  Reference to Africa


Chapter II: The General Protection: The Charter of the OAU /Constitutive Act of AU and the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR)

2.1. The Charter of OAU and Constitutive Act of African Union

2.2. The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR)

        2.2.1 Historical Background and Drafting Process of ACHPR

        2.2.2. The Distinctive Feature of the African Charter

        2.2.3. Rights Guaranteed under the Charter

   State Obligations under the ACHPR The Principles of Non-discrimination and Equality The Civil and Political Rights The Economic, Social and Cultural Rights The Rights of Peoples (Group Rights)

       2.2.4. The Concept of Duty under the African Charter

       2.2.5. Claw-Back Clauses under the African Charter


Chapter III: Special Protection to Vulnerable Groups under the African Human Rights System

3.1. Protection of Children and Youth

      3.1.1. The OAU/AU Child Rights Protection System

3.2. Protection for Women under African Human Rights system

     3.2.1. Women’s Right under the OAU/AU Framework

     3.2.2. African Protocol on the Rights of Women

3.3. Protection of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)

3.4. Protection for Minorities and Indigenous Peoples

    3.4.1. Protection of Minorities

    3.4.2. Indigenous Peoples


Chapter IV: The African Human Rights Enforcement Mechanisms

4.1. Introduction

4.2 The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights

   4.2.1. Composition

    4.2.2. Function of the Commission

4.3. The Committee on the Rights of the Child

4.4 The African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights

  1.  Organization of the Court
  2. Operation of the Court
  3. Functions of the Court
    1. Contentious Functions
    2. Advisory Function

4.5 The Court of Justice of the African Union (ACJ)

4.6 The Regional Initiatives: NEPAD and Related Initiatives

4.7 The Role of Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Civic Organizations

Reference Materials


1.      Elias Tamire, The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (Addis Ababa University, 1996 Unpublished)

2.      Fatsah Ouguergouz, The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ right: A Comprehensive Agenda for Human Dignity and Sustainable Democracy in Africa (Matinus Nijhof: The Hague, 2003)

3.      Gloriose Kankindi, The Contribution of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights to the Protection of Human Rights in Africa(Addis Ababa University, 2007, Unpublished).

4.      Manfred Nowak, Introduction to the International Human Rights Regime (Martinus Nijholf: Leiden, 2003)

5.       Menna Seged, The Merger of the African Human and Peoples’ Rights Court and the Copurt of Justice and Its Implications on Human Rights( Addis Ababa University,1996, Unpublished)


Self enrolment (Student)