The aim of this course is to introduce students to key concept of housing and inner-city redevelopment. The course is designed to enable students to understand the issues of housing and urban development in Ethiopia’s context while giving the experiences of other developing countries. After completing this course, Students will be able to understand the relationship between housing and inner-city redevelopment and identify key issues of housing such as Affordability, Actors, Tenure and legal and policy frameworks.
Teaching and learning process involves lectures, discussions and a Studio.Students are anticipated to demonstrate the theories discussed in the course via semester Project. The project will be the output of the studio which will be conducted parallel to consecutive lectures. In the project, students are expected to propose alternative low-income housing strategies and approaches. The project area, its objective and scope will be announced by the instructors.
Course Policy:
All academic misconducts such as cheating and plagiarism are subjected to punishment according to Arba Minch university’s legislation. Students are expected to attend at least 80% of total class. If you have any excuse please notify your instructors in advance. Group work and mutual discussions are advised while copying another student’s work is not acceptable.
Evaluation: Written Examination 60%, Project and Assignments 40%
Essential Websites
- Teacher: Wondwossen Mestie