Evolution of the concept of heritage

Heritage definitions and conventions; Mobile and immobile heritage,Tangible and intangible heritage; Cultural and natural heritage; Cultural Landscapes

World Heritage Sites

Procedures of application, nomination, operation; Conflicts; National Heritage Sites and Procedures of application, nomination, operation

History of Architectural Heritage in Ethiopia,vernacular architecture historical buildings - from Yeha to Addis Ababa; historical ensembles - from Axumite settlements to contemporary cities; World Heritage Sites in Ethiopia; built heritage, Lalibela, Gonder, Axum, Harar, archaeological and heritage, Tiya, Awash, natural heritage, Semien, Omo, potential sites of National and World Heritage. (This part of the course will be taught, by mutual agreement, by Ato Hagos Aman).

The course is supplemented by two Open University's free courses (What is Herigate? and World Heritage), that the students are highily encouraged to follow, so that they can widen their knowledge of the various aspects of heritage.