Arba Minch University

College of Business and Economics

Department of Management

Course outline

Course Information

Course Code

MGMT 2063

Course Title

Organizational theory

Degree Program

BA Degree in Management

Contact Hours (per week)

 3 credit hours

Target group

2nd year,2nd  Semester regular students

Instructor Name 

Terefe . M





Course Description


This course emphasizes on topics that are essential to organizational success, including strategy implementation, innovation, organizational structure and culture, change management, and power and influence. Throughout the course, consideration will be given to the lessons and implications that organization theory offers for individuals‟ careers. In short, this course is about ideas and practices that can make or break organizations and careers. Thus this course is relevant to students considering careers in a wide range of fields





Course Objectives & Competences to be Acquired

Ø  Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

·         Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of organization structure and design.

·         Develop skills for understanding the impact of environment, strategy, technology, organizational culture, change, and organizational size on organizational and interorganizational relationships.

·         Demonstrate analytical skills in linking design/structure to performance.

·         Develop awareness of the decision making hierarchies, bureaucracy, power and politics.

·         Demonstrate knowledge of various organization theories  which enable managers to understand, predict, and influence organizational design/structure and development.


CHAPTER 1 -. Organizations and Organization Theory (6 hours) 1.1.Organization theory in action.

1.2. What is an organization?

1.3. Perspectives on organizations: open systems and organizational configuration.

1.4. Dimensions of organization design: structural and conceptual.

1.5. The evolution of organization theory and design.




CHAPTER 2- Strategy, Organization Design, and Effectiveness (7 hours)

2.1. The role of strategic direction on organization design.

2.2. Organization purpose.

2.3. A framework for selecting strategy and design/structure.

2.4. Assessing organizational effectiveness.

2.5. Contingency effectiveness approach, resource based approach, and internal process approach.

2.6. An integrated effectiveness model.


CHAPTER 3- Fundamentals of Organization Structure (7hours)

3.1. Organization structure.

3.2. Information processing perspective in organization structure.

3.3. Organization design alternatives.

3.4. Functional, divisional, and geographical designs.

3.5. Matrix structure.

3.6.Horizontal structure

3.7. Modular structure.

3.8. Hybrid structure.


CHAPTER 4- Open Systems Design Elements (6 hours)

4.1. The external environment.

4.2. Inter-organizational Relationships.

4.3. Organization size and life cycle and design/structure.

4.4.Comparative management


CHAPTER 5- Organizational Culture and Organizational theory (5 hours) 5.1.Organizational culture

5.2.Organization design and culture

5.3.Culture and the learning organization

5.4. Ethical values in organizations.

5.5. Leadership and culture and ethics.


CHAPTER 6- Innovation and Change and Organizational Theory (6 hours) 6.1.The strategic role of change

6.2.Elements of successful change

6.3.New products and services

6.4.Technological change

6.5.Strategy and structure change

6.6.Cultural change

6.7. Strategies for implementing change.


CHAPTER 7-Decision-Making Process (5 hours)

7.1.Rational approach

7.2.Bounded rationality perspective

7.3.Organizational decision-making

7.4.The learning organization

7.5.Contingency decision-making perspective

7.6. Special decision circumstances.


CHAPTER 8- Conflict, Power, and Politics (6 hours)

8.1. Intergroup conflict in organizations.

8.2.Power and organizations

8.3.Political processes in organizations

8.4.Using power, politics, and collaboration

Teaching & Learning Methods/strategy

The teaching and learning methodology include lecturing, discussions, problem solving, and analysis. The instructor takes more of a facilitation role in case discussions and may act as one of the participants.


Course Policy

Attendance: It is compulsory to come to class on time and every time. If you are going to miss more than three classes during the term, you should not take this course.

Assignments: you must do your assignment on time. Not late assignment will be accepted.

Test/Quizzes: you will have two short quizzes or tests. If you miss the class or, are late to class, you will miss the quiz or test. No makeup test or quizzes will be given.

Cheating: You must do your own work and do not copy and get answer from someone else.

Reference books


Ø  Richard D. Daft (2013), Organization Theory and Design (11 th ed.), Mason, OH: South-Western, Cengage Learning.

Ø  Shafritz, Jay, Ott, Steven, and Young Suk Jang. 2005. Classics of Organization Theory. 6th edition.

Ø  Miles, J. A. (2014). New Directions in Management and Organization Theory. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Ø  Stanford, N. (2007). The Economist Guide to Organisation Design: Creating High Performance and Adaptable Enterprises. London:

Ø  Richard m. Hodgets& Donald F. Kuralko, “Management,” Harcount Brace Jovanovich publishers, 1991, third ed.

Ø  Robert N.Lussier, Management: concepts, Applications, and skil development, “South western college publishing, 1997.

Ø   Samul C.Certo, “Principles of Modern Management”, Allyn and Bacon Inc., boston, 1986. Ä Y.K Bushan, “Fundametals of business Organization and Management”, Sultan chand& sons, New Delhi.





                                                   Assessment Schemes

Evaluation Type


Chapters to be covered



At the end of any chapter

Test 1



Test 2


3 and 4

Assignment (Individual and group)



Final Exam


All Chapter







Approval of Curriculum, Exam and Grade review committee

              Name                                                         Sig. and Date

1.      Baldada Kepa                                          ………………………...           

2.      Amanuel Tesfaye                                        …………………………

3.      Abebe Zayede                                          …………………………...